080-23189548 / 23189252 / 29777299 | info@nutrimentgroup.com
Nutriment ‘SAMYUKTA’ contains balanced proportion of Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Boron and Molybdenum. These mineral elements are recommended for horticultural crops (vegetables, flowers, fruits and plantation crops) and field crops (cereals, pulses and oil seeds) for proper growth and development. It has been formulated by using various state specific formulations as notified by the various State Governments.
Soil application: Apply 8-10kgs of Nutriment SAMYUKTA per acre at the time of sowing /transplantation. This can be mixed with farmyard manure or compost or other major (NPK) fertilizers.
Packing available: 5kg, 10kg & 25kg
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