Micronutrient Fertilizers || Chittari Agricare

080-23189548 / 23189252 / 29777299 | info@nutrimentgroup.com


Farmer goal is to achieve 100% result oriented yield. This can be possible by use of balanced fertilizer application. Nutriment AGRIBOOST is a balanced combination of micronutrient fertilizer elements of Zinc, Iron, Copper, Boron, Manganese, Magnesium, Molybdenum and organic hormones.


  • AGRIBOOST helps in synthesis of growth hormones, proper utilization of NPK fertilizers and proper growth and development in plants.
  • AGRIBOOST is compatible with all commonly used pesticides and fungicides.

Crops: All Field crops and Horticultural crops.

Method of Application:

Foliar spray: Dissolve 250ml Nutriment AGRIBOOST in 100 liters of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves for one acre.

  • First spray: 20-25 days after sowing/transplantation.
  • Second spray: 15-20 days after first spray.
  • Third spray: 15-20 days after second spray.

Packing available: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L & 5L

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