Micronutrient Fertilizers || Chittari Agricare

080-23189548 / 23189252 / 29777299 | info@nutrimentgroup.com

Nutriment Groups - Services

Agriculture is a way of life; a tradition that for centuries has shaped the econmic life of human beings. A rapid growth in agriculture is essential for country to become self reliant and for the equal distribution of income and wealth.

To ensure quality products, we have established a well-equipped laboratory with trained technical manpower to undertake analysis of Micronutrients, Soil, Water, Major nutrients like Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) and other nutrients and pesticides. We also have well qualified and experienced team of marketing personnel offering highly professionalized service to farmers at their door-steps. During all these stages, the prime consideration of Nutriment Products has always been “Quality” not only in Research and Development Laboratory but also most importantly at the consumer level. Nutriment Products has been accepted as Brand in the areas where it operates in Nutritional products for plants.

The company operates in Karnatak, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Rajasthan, Andra Pradesh, Telangana, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala states. Together, we ensure that farmers get good qaulity product at the most competitive price through our vast distribution network, which spans more that 18 stock points and 12,000 preferential dealer's outlet.

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